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Stock DJ Cases

ProCases started in the case business since we were all DJ's that needed cases.  We started building DJ cases in our garage in 1993.  Eventhour we are not a DJ dominate case company anymore, we still respect and horon the great art of being a DJ.    We stock a great amount DJ cases in our imported line of hard shell ATA cases.  We also offer our EuroLite line of light weight aluminm DJ cases for LP's, CD's and Turntables.

Click here to see list of stock DJ cases.


EuroLite DJ cases

Eurolite DJ cases have been designed to have the look, durabiltiy and function of the moder DJ.  We stock LP, CD and Trutable cases.
EuroLite DJ cases

EconoLite ATA cases

Our imported EconoLine ATA DJ cases are desined to be functional and inexpensive.  We offer a vast array of choices for DJ's to fit their equipments.&...
EconoLite ATA cases